Friday, October 19, 2018

King Kong 4

Will O'brien-
O'brien was the inventor of 'Kong'. He would mix live action with stop motion animation, which is standard process today. 'Kong' was a very successful, it took him a very long time to make the movie. The second Kong which was 'The Son of Kong' he wasn't involved a lot in as be had a lot going on in his personal life.

Ray Harryhausen-
Related imageRay created a form of stop motion model animation called 'Dynamation'. Dynamation is used to make the actors on film apparently like they are interacting with animated models. He also created the special effects for the star-studded Clash of the Titans' which was made in 1981, which was remade with computer effects in 2010. 

Jan Švankmajer-
Svankmajer created 'Alice', which is about a doll (which he used stop motion for) that drinks a potion and turns in to a human girl. Jan has gained an amazing reputation because of his stop motion. He has influenced a lot of people like the Brothers Quay and Terry Gilliam.


The Brother Quay-
Stephen and Timothy Quay are stoop motion animators. They named one of their film after the person that influenced them, Jan Svankmajer, they named the film 'The Cabinet of Jan Svankmajer'. Most of the Quay Brothers animation films feature puppets made of doll parts and other organic materials often shown in a dark moody atmosphere. one of their most known animations is the 'Street of Crocodiles'. They both prefer to work with pre recorded music. Now most if their animations are on DVD, for people to now watch them.

Tim Burton-
Image result for frankenweenieBurton has made a lot of famous animated film such as 'The Nightmare Before Christmas' and the 'Corpse Bride'. It took him 55 weeks to make the 'Corpse Bride'. Tim,s first ever film that he made was an animation called 'Frankenweenie' that came out in 2012. Its about a young boy called Frankenstien that is a outside, he only has one best friends his dog that dies. His teacher gives him a good idea on how to bring him back to life, Frankenstein does the experiment and its successful, people find out and try to bring back dead animals which isn't the best idea. 

 Nick Park
Image result for wallace and gromit the curse of the were rabbitNick Park is very famous for his work on Wallace and Gromit. A fire that happened in Ardman Animations' archive warehouse in 2010 resulting in us loosing most if Park's creations including thte models and sets used in the movie 'Chicken Run'. Some of the Wallace and Gromit models and sets were elsewhere. the old college that Park use to studio at named a library after him. In 2018 he made a new animation called 'Early Man' which is about a caveman who brings his tribe against the bronze ages.

1 comment:

  1. Some good work here Mia could you ad a little more detail especially on contemporary examples audience box office how they are different types of films for different audiences how they rely on early pioneers. Far more detail on early pioneers Willis OBrien Harryhausen examples of the films a comment on what they look like and the impact they had on later film makers. Clips or trailers of their films with a comment on them
